We celebrated his birthday this year with a party on Saturday at Mike Greenwell's, a very cool, fun place for kids and adults alike. We had go-cart rides, mini golf, lots of arcade games, pizza, cake and a pinata. Todd had a fantastic time. So did all the family and friends who joined us in the celebrating...Auntie Paige, baby Z, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Chrisy, cousins Christina, John Thomas Patrick, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Christina, baby Samuel, Megan, Chris and Brendan, Darrin, Holly, Makenzie and Emme...Todd loved it all. Of course being my true child all he wanted to eat was the cake, the candy from the pinata and the candy from trading in all our tickets. Mike Greenwell's is like a Chuck-e-Cheese, only owned locally and much cooler!
Here is Todd enjoying his party...

I am in awe of this little person who has become such a big boy over the last year. He is fast outgrowing the toddler stage and moving right along in full on boyhood. He idolizes his big bro and wants to do everything that Kyle does. I love that my boys get along so well and are the best of friends. I hope they remain so as they continue to grow.
Kyle and Todd then:
Kyle and Todd now:

I really wish I could put down into words all that I feel for this special little boy but all I can say about Todd is that he is my heart. He has always been my baby and now he is my little boy. Paige asked Mama the other day how long Todd would let us keep calling him Toddles and I know deep down inside that when he insists everyone else stop, he will continue to let me. Even with the warp speed he seems to be growing up he still sleeps with his blanket everynight, he still sucks his thumb (sleeping only...already got the lecture from his dentist...ugh!)and he still crawls into bed with me to snuggle. I am his person and I cherish every single moment he lets me keep that title.

He really is just the sweetest child.
I can't believe he is 3 already. Where did the time go? He is one of the sweetest little guys I have ever known and I am thankful that he is my little grandson. Maybe Pappi will get to continue to use the moniker Toddles for a long time too.
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