Monday, February 11, 2013

We Did A Parade

Every year, there are two parades that happen in my town.  One is for children only and for the last two years we have been saying that we wanted to make a float for C and promote awareness for CHD's.  The children's parade is always right in the middle of CHD awareness week and this year we actually did make the float and ride in the parade.  We made special shirts, had lots of decorations, lots of help and lots of walkers.  C was the star of the show and did her best to charm all the parade people.  We handed out heart beads and information.  My sister had two different families tell her that their own children were also CHD kiddos.  I think we accomplished our mission...raising awareness. 

On a side note, we took third place in our division (yay!) and even more impressive, my husband was personally asked by the parade chairman to participate in the big parade this Saturday.  Over 200,000 people to reach out to...lets keep spreading the news. 

C is just one of the 1 in 100.

1 comment:

Sharron Johnson said...

This is awesome! You guys did a fantastic job! So good that you have been invited to the big parade. Thanks for the updates, always praying!