Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Normal, Healthy but No Love for Needles

Todd had his 4 year check-up/physical this morning. I am happy to report that he is perfectly normal and healthy. His iron is "excellent...mom must be doing a good job with healthy eating." (Gold star for me...yippee!...since he takes zero vitamins). He weighs 37 lbs (only 4 fewer than his big bro...opps...sorry Kyle) and is 41 inches tall. We already knew his height since we just measured him to make sure he could ride the roller coasters, etc at Disney last month. His vision is perfect and so is his hearing. (I knew he was just selectively listening to me...just like big bro and just like dad!) He also did very well with his shots considering how freaked out he was because of his big bro telling him how shots are so awful. Seriously. Must have talk with big brother about scaring his little brother. Sweet child that Todd is he just asked me bunches of questions about the shots, was super excited when he only had to get 3 (instead of 4 as two of the vaccines have been combined...thanks goodness), barely cried even though he did say owwww, that hurts and quite seriously declared to me in the car..."mama, I don't love needles." All in all a very good report for the munchkin. Now if I can just get to doing a post about his birthday then I can get some pictures up here...


Kristi said...

How sweet that he did so good. So hard to get shots as they get older! I hated it when they were young... them laying on the counter... smiling at happy Mama, no idea that shots are coming. At least I don't feel as guilty as they age - they know what is coming! (did any of this post make sense?)

Keysgal@QuietWater said...

Lord knows I am right there with Todd. I don't love needles either!!